Malaysia Considering Making Bitcoin Legal Tender: Report
Malaysia Considering Making Bitcoin Legal Tender: Report
Malaysian officials are trying to spark legislative action to designate Bitcoin as legal tender, according to multiple reports.
Arizona Senator Proposes Law to Make Bitcoin (BTC) Legal Tender
Arizona Senator Proposes Law to Make Bitcoin (BTC) Legal Tender
Arizona might be the latest place to make Bitcoin legal tender, if a new bill put forth by US Senator Wendy Rogers passes.
IMF Says Bitcoin Adoption In Central Africa Raises Major Issues: Report
IMF Says Bitcoin Adoption In Central Africa Raises Major Issues: Report
The International Monetary Fund says that the Central African Republic’s adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender raises multiple risks for the entire region.
Why The Marshall Islands is Tokenizing its Money Supply
Why The Marshall Islands is Tokenizing its Money Supply
The Marshalls islands are a small micro nation in the pacific ocean. They have recently announced that they will be issuing their own cryptocurrency which will serve as legal tender in the country. We take a look at why the country would consider this and what it means for other countries.
How the ICO Regulatory Framework May Change in Asia
How the ICO Regulatory Framework May Change in Asia
China has implemented a ban on ICOs and it seems that other Asian countries may follow with regulation. This may be a positive step to transparency
Indian Government dislikes Cash, What about Bitcoin?
Indian Government dislikes Cash, What about Bitcoin?
India's government is shifting towards a cashless economy, which may not be favorable for Bitcoin adoption.
Celebrities Get in on the ICO Fever
Celebrities Get in on the ICO Fever
Celebrities like Floyd Mayweather are jumping on the ICO bandwagon, backing new cryptocurrency offerings. Learn about the latest trend!
China Debuts Digital Yuan At Olympics
China Debuts Digital Yuan At Olympics
China is testing out a central bank digital currency (CBDC) during the 2022 winter Olympics while the rest of the world still remains in a research and development phase.
Crypto Investment Products: The Key to Mass Adoption?
Crypto Investment Products: The Key to Mass Adoption?
Many keep asking "wen spot Bitcoin ETF" and so far the SEC has ignored these, but the key to mass adoption of crypto could be spot crypto ETFs.